Top 8 Digital Marketing Trends you must know in 202

 1.SEO for Voice Search

SEO's next frontier is voice search. Whether they use voice-activated AI assistants on their PCs or utilise their cell phones like walkie-talkies, more and more consumers prefer to speak into their search bars rather than type.

Voice searches produce different results than text searches, according to a Digital marketing company. We anticipate a Gold Rush in 2021 to crack the code of SEO for voice search in order to gain a larger portion of the organic market.

2.SEO for Image Search

Search engine marketing is evolving away from words and toward pictures and videos, thanks to Google Lens, Google's pioneering image-recognition AI technology.

Reverse-Image Search on Google was only the beginning. Google now allows users to search for photographs in a number of scenarios.

They may take a photo of a plant and use it as a search term to see if the plant is poisonous. Alternatively, users may post a friend's Instagram photo and geo-target that wonderful "fear-of-missing-out" photo to its specific location.

Image-searching is yet another source of traffic that digital marketers may exploit and use to promote their clients' businesses.

3.Ad-Blocker Arms Race

By 2021, an estimated 27 per cent of Internet users will have installed ad-blockers, removing a substantial source of money for many digital marketing gurus and their clients.

This won't affect everyone or every traffic source, but enough digital marketers will feel the pain that a game of high-stakes chess is likely to ensue.

We're all familiar with how arms races work. Marketers will figure out how to get around Adblock. thus ad blocker developers will enhance their solutions and close the gaps... Just in time for marketers to start looking for new flaws to exploit. Instead of becoming a hacker, become a digital marketer in 2021 if you enjoy defying security and sticking it to the man.

4.Shoppable Posts on Social Media

The report by SproutSocial that indicated 46 per cent of Instagram users purchased one or more things that were pushed in front of them in a sponsored IG post was one of the best digital marketing stories of 2020.

We expect social media platforms to boom as an eCommerce sales channel, with ever-easier integrations allowing users to complete purchases without ever leaving the app.

Is it possible for a company to sell entirely through a social media platform? It will be interesting to see... However, someone is bound to give it a shot!

5.Automated Bidding for Google Ads

Google Ads' automated bidding launched in 2016, but we expect it to take off in 2021.

Digital marketers may be able to manually tune their Google advertising for best performance until 2020. The ad can be tweaked and optimized by automated bidding better than any human digital marketer.

Will this obviate the need for digital marketers? Not if it allows them to commit more time and effort to other aspects of digital marketing, such as overall brand recognition, which is considerably more difficult to automate.

6.Good Content Still Matters (and Now Context Matters More!)

Although there is an increased emphasis on nuance in content, content marketing remains an important component of digital marketing.

Quality will always be vital, but context and targeting are now more crucial. Marketers must consider their target demographic and how they can adapt content more accurately in 2020 as Google develops a deeper, more sophisticated understanding of online material.

Much of this is due to Google's BERT upgrade, which was introduced in November 2019. The new algorithm aids Google in gaining better comprehension of the natural language used in user search queries.

“Rather than chasing the latest SEO trends, it's more vital to make sure a site has quick speeds, relevant links, and well-written content,” Google’s advice.

Make no doubt about it:

Content marketing isn't working.

However, Google is becoming more intelligent, and it now favours in-depth, accurate, and current material that is closely linked with user intent. In 2020, businesses must keep this in mind when creating new content

7. Local SEO

Because Google's local SEO algorithm is adjusted on a regular basis, if you're a local business, you should keep your listing in local results up to date as well.

Local SEO is more effective than broad SEO in certain aspects since clients looking for a specific type of business in their area have a higher intent to buy, making conversion easier.

To begin, you must first verify your Google account. You can do so by signing up for Google My Business and claiming or creating a new listing. This improves your Google SERPS ranking and allows you to provide additional information about your organisation to online searchers.

Local keywords should also play a significant role in your SEO strategy.

Obviously, your top keyword should be the name of your city or town, but you may go the extra mile by including related keywords as well. If your community has one, mention a significant landmark or a particular claim to fame.

8.Video marketing & Webinars in 2021

Audiovisual content is a powerful technique for capturing and retaining viewers' attention.

It enables you to dynamically exchange a great volume of information in a short amount of time.

Because of these natural traits, videos are more relatable to everyone.

The majority of us would like to watch a short movie rather than read a long essay or blog post. Because many platforms provide options to produce and share short videos like stories and reels, social media is an excellent place to publish video content.

The Covid epidemic has also helped to elevate video marketing as a critical component of any digital strategy.

Webinars, for example, have become increasingly popular across all industries as a means of replacing face-to-face meetings. According to 2021 trends, video content will not be a passing fad, and marketers should incorporate it into their digital marketing mix on a regular basis.


  1. Digital marketing is is growing fast nowadays and have huge scope in jib market ,I am also doing my Distance certificate course in DM form distance learning center. keep sharing.


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